Constructs a new path deform
Constructs a new path deform
Adds a joint with the specified offset to the end of the joints list
Gets joint origins
Resets the positions of joints
Allows serializing self data (with pretty serializer)
Allows serializing self data (with compact serializer)
Sets the position of joint as its new origin
Sets the joints for this path deform
Updates the spline group.
The bindings from joints to verticies in multiple parts
The current joint locations of the deformation
The offset to the transform to apply
The offset to apply to sorting
Needed for deserialization
Whether the node is enabled
Whether the node is enabled for rendering
Visual name of the node
Returns the unique identifier for this node
This node's type ID
Gets the relative Z sorting
Gets the Z sorting
Sets the (relative) Z sorting
Lock translation to root
Lock translation to root
The local transform of the node
The cached world space transform of the node
The transform in world space
The transform in world space without locking
Gets a list of this node's children
Gets the parent of this node
The puppet this node is attached to
Removes all children from this node
Adds a node as a child of this node.
Sets the parent of this node
Return whether this node supports a parameter
Gets the default offset value
Sets offset value
Scale an offset value, given an axis and a scale
Draws this node and it's subnodes
Draws this node.
Finalizes this node and any children
Updates the node
Marks this node's transform (and its descendents') as dirty
Allows serializing a node (with pretty serializer)
Deserializes node from Fghj formatted JSON data.
Force sets the node's ID
Gets the combined bounds of the node
Gets whether nodes can be reparented
Draws orientation of the node
Draws bounds
A node that deforms multiple nodes against a path.