Unload UUID on clear
Add a new binding (must not exist)
Get number of points for an axis
Create a new binding (without adding it) for a given node and name
Delete a specified axis point by index
Deserializes a parameter
Clone this parameter
Finalize loading of parameter
Find the keypoint closest to the current value
Find the keypoint closest to a value
Find a binding by node ref and name
Gets the axis point closest to a given offset
Find the keypoint closest to the current value
Find the keypoint closest to a value
Get the offset (0..1) of a specified keypoint index
Get the value at a specified keypoint index
Find a binding if it exists, or create and add a new one, and return it
Check if a binding exists for a given node and name
Add a new axis point at the given offset
Maps an input value to an offset (0.0->1.0) for an axis
Maps an input value to an offset (0.0->1.0)
Move an axis point to a new offset
Gets the value normalized to the internal range (0.0->1.0)
Sets the value normalized up from the internal range (0.0->1.0) to the user defined range.
Remove an existing binding by ref
Flip the mapping across an axis
Serializes a parameter
Maps an internal value (0.0->1.0) to the input range for an axis
Maps an offset (0.0->1.0) to a value
Whether this parameter updates the model
Position of the keypoints along each axis
Binding to targets
The default value
Optimized indexable name generated at runtime
Whether the parameter is 2D
The parameter's maximum bounds
The parameter's minimum bounds
Name of the parameter
Automator calculated offset to apply
Unique ID of parameter
The current parameter value
A parameter