- apply
void apply(vec2u leftKeypoint, vec2 offset)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- applyToTarget
void applyToTarget(T value)
Apply parameter to target node
- clear
void clear()
- clearValue
void clearValue(T i)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- copyKeypointToBinding
void copyKeypointToBinding(vec2u src, ParameterBinding other, vec2u dest)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- deleteKeypoints
void deleteKeypoints(uint axis, uint index)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- deserializeFromFghj
SerdeException deserializeFromFghj(Fghj data)
- extrapolateValueAt
void extrapolateValueAt(vec2u index, int axis)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- finalize
void finalize(Puppet puppet)
Finalize loading of parameter
- getIsSet
bool[][] getIsSet()
- getName
string getName()
- getNode
Node getNode()
Gets the node of the binding
- getNodeUUID
uint getNodeUUID()
Gets the uuid of the node of the binding
- getSetCount
uint getSetCount()
Gets how many breakpoints this binding is set to
- getTarget
BindTarget getTarget()
- getValue
T getValue(vec2u point)
Gets the value at the specified point
- insertKeypoints
void insertKeypoints(uint axis, uint index)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- interpolate
T interpolate(vec2u leftKeypoint, vec2 offset)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- interpolateLinear
T interpolateLinear(vec2u leftKeypoint, vec2 offset)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- interpolateMode
InterpolateMode interpolateMode()
Get the interpolation mode
- interpolateMode
void interpolateMode(InterpolateMode mode)
Set the interpolation mode
- interpolateNearest
T interpolateNearest(vec2u leftKeypoint, vec2 offset)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isSet
bool isSet(vec2u index)
Returns whether the specified keypoint is set
- moveKeypoints
void moveKeypoints(uint axis, uint oldindex, uint newindex)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- reInterpolate
void reInterpolate()
Re-calculate interpolation
- reset
void reset(vec2u point)
Resets value at specified keypoint to default
- reverseAxis
void reverseAxis(uint axis)
Flip the keypoints on an axis
- scaleValueAt
void scaleValueAt(vec2u index, int axis, float scale)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- serializeSelf
void serializeSelf(InochiSerializer serializer)
- serializeSelf
void serializeSelf(InochiSerializerCompact serializer)
- setCurrent
void setCurrent(vec2u point)
Sets value at specified keypoint to the current value
- setValue
void setValue(vec2u point, T value)
Sets value at specified keypoint
- swapKeypointWithBinding
void swapKeypointWithBinding(vec2u src, ParameterBinding other, vec2u dest)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- unset
void unset(vec2u point)
Unsets value at specified keypoint
- finalize
void finalize(Puppet puppet)
Finalize loading of parameter
- apply
void apply(vec2u leftKeypoint, vec2 offset)
Apply a binding to the model at the given parameter value
- clear
void clear()
- setCurrent
void setCurrent(vec2u point)
Sets value at specified keypoint to the current value
- unset
void unset(vec2u point)
Unsets value at specified keypoint
- reset
void reset(vec2u point)
Resets value at specified keypoint to default
- isSet
bool isSet(vec2u index)
Returns whether the specified keypoint is set
- scaleValueAt
void scaleValueAt(vec2u index, int axis, float scale)
Scales the value, optionally with axis awareness
- extrapolateValueAt
void extrapolateValueAt(vec2u index, int axis)
Extrapolates the value across an axis
- copyKeypointToBinding
void copyKeypointToBinding(vec2u src, ParameterBinding other, vec2u dest)
Copies the value to a point on another compatible binding
- swapKeypointWithBinding
void swapKeypointWithBinding(vec2u src, ParameterBinding other, vec2u dest)
Swaps the value to a point on another compatible binding
- reverseAxis
void reverseAxis(uint axis)
Flip the keypoints on an axis
- reInterpolate
void reInterpolate()
Update keypoint interpolation
- getIsSet
bool[][] getIsSet()
- getSetCount
uint getSetCount()
Gets how many breakpoints this binding is set to
- moveKeypoints
void moveKeypoints(uint axis, uint oldindex, uint index)
Move keypoints to a new axis point
- insertKeypoints
void insertKeypoints(uint axis, uint index)
Add keypoints along a new axis point
- deleteKeypoints
void deleteKeypoints(uint axis, uint index)
Remove keypoints along an axis point
- getTarget
BindTarget getTarget()
- getName
string getName()
- getNode
Node getNode()
Gets the node of the binding
- getNodeUUID
uint getNodeUUID()
Gets the uuid of the node of the binding
- isCompatibleWithNode
bool isCompatibleWithNode(Node other)
Checks whether a binding is compatible with another node
- interpolateMode
InterpolateMode interpolateMode()
Gets the interpolation mode
- interpolateMode
void interpolateMode(InterpolateMode mode)
Sets the interpolation mode
- serializeSelf
void serializeSelf(InochiSerializerCompact serializer)
- serializeSelf
void serializeSelf(InochiSerializer serializer)
- deserializeFromFghj
SerdeException deserializeFromFghj(Fghj data)
A binding to a parameter, of a given value type